Retrive data and paste using Excel VBA -

vba code here

'this function ur comnad button  private sub cmdgetdata() call getdata end sub 

here module 1 getting data configuration file.

'module 1 public sub getdata() dim oexcelconn adodb.connection '===== dim oconn adodb.connection '* connection string dim orst adodb.recordset '* record set dim squery string '* query string dim sconnstr string dim wb workbook, wbcurr workbook  sconnstr = getexcelconnstr(thisworkbook.path & "\data\exceldata.xlsx")  set oconn = new adodb.connection sconnstr set wb = thisworkbook.path & "\template\mytemplate.xltx" ictr = 1 sheet2.range("name_std").rows.count squery = "select * [config$a:r] column = " &                           sheet2.range("name_std").cells(ictr,1) set orst = new adodb.recordset squery, oconn set wbcurr =  wb.worksheets("sheet1").copy after:=worksheets("sheet1") wbcurr.range("a2").cpoyfromrecordset orst next end sub 

here module 1 getting data configuration file. here module 1 getting data configuration file. here module 1 getting data configuration file. here module 1 getting data configuration file. here module 1 getting data configuration file. here module 1 getting data configuration file.

public function getexcelconnstr(spath string) string  dim sconnstr string  sconnstr = "provider=microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0;data source=" & spath & ";extended properties=""excel 12.0 xml;hdr=yes"";"  getexcelconnstr = sconnstr  end function 

set wks = activeworkbook.worksheets("template")  ' wks.range("b2").cells(1, 17).value   dim integer dim startindex string dim endindex string dim wsname string wsname = "temp"  dim str string = 1 17    str = wks.range("b2").cells(i, 1).value    if str = "grand total"       endindex = wks.range("b2").cells(i, 1).address       exit    end if next   startindex = wks.range("b2").cells(1, 1).address  endindex = wks.range("b2").cells(i - 1, 17).address  wks.range(startindex & ":" & endindex).copy  thisworkbook.worksheets(wsname).select  activesheet.range("b2").select activesheet.paste 


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