python - Try alternative xpaths, or else continue -

i have pieced web crawler selenium uses xpath find elements. on web page i'm scraping, there 2 possible layouts loaded, depending on content.

if run code on wrong layout, error: message: unable locate element: {"method":"xpath","selector":

how can create try/except (or similar) tries alternative xpath, if first xpath not present? or if none present, continue on next section of code?

i haven't got experience python i'm not able write example code, should create 2 try/catch (or in case try/except) block try find element find_element_by_xpath. after catch nosuchelementexception , can work webelement(s).

in java looks this:

  boolean isfirstelementexist, issecondelementexist = true;   webelement firstelement, secondelement;    try {     firstelement = driver.findelement(by.xpath("first xpath"));   } catch (nosuchelementexception e) {     isfirstelementexist = false;   }    try {     secondelement = driver.findelement(by.xpath("second xpath"));   } catch (nosuchelementexception e) {     issecondelementexist = false;   }    //... work webelement 


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