php - Efficiently checking a hashed password from database -

firstly have tried best find definitive answer on this. secondly, code appears work, want confirm doing in efficient manner , not leaving myself open security breaches.

firstly, use php password_hash when adding user admin table;

$stmt = $dbh->prepare("insert admin (username, password) values (:username, :password)"); $stmt->bindparam(':username', $username); $stmt->bindparam(':password', $password);  $password = password_hash('password', password_default); 

secondly, when user attempts login, retrieve users admin table matching username only, couldn't see way check hash during query (this part unsure if there better way), , define $password variable post input;

$stmt = $dbh->prepare("select * admin username = :username");     $stmt->bindparam(':username', $username);     $username = $_post['username'];     // define $password use in password verify     $password = $_post['password']; 

thirdly, if there result query, run password_verify on user input check match, , branch depending on true or false.

if ($row = $stmt->fetch(pdo::fetch_assoc)) {             if (password_verify($password, $row['password'])) {                 session_start();                 foreach ($row $user) {                     $_session['user'] = $row['id'];                 }             } else {                 $errors = true;             }                                    header('location: leads.php');         }         else {             $errors = true;         } 

i know there many different ways hash / secure passwords, using native password_hash functions way decided go, question have done right / there better way?

thanks in advance.

basically, code looks quite okay, except things mentioned. ask improvements, performance related ones, here go:

  • add index on username
  • if table gets lot of entries, remove index username, add new column called hash index , rewrite insert , select this:

    insert admin (username, password, hash) values (:username, :password, crc32(username))

    select * admin username = :username , hash=crc32(:username)

i assume, use mysql, adding limit 1 query helps optimizer , stops searching after row found.

avoiding foreach-loop possible, if work 1 row.

btw: header('location: leads.php'); should read header('location: leads.php'); , using absolute paths makes things more robust.


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