Restricting access to particular URL for sesame server deployed on JBoss (WildFly 8.2) -

i have sesame server running deployed in wildfly 8.2.0 final container.

how can restrict access particular urls?

i know have edit xml files (deployment descriptor , other files) don't know files , find them.

i figured out self.

step 1:

open openrdf-sesame.war total commander or file archiver. go web-inf folder , open web.xml file.

edit web.xml file adding constraints, roles , login-config tag in example :

save edited file within archive , redeploy openrdf-sesame.war file containing modified web.xml file.

step 2:

go wildfly folder , enter bin directory , run add-user.bat file.

choose b) application user , hit enter.

enter username , password new user.

when asked "what groups want user belong to?", type in 1 of roles have created in web.xml file , hit enter.

when asked “is new user going used 1 process connect process?” type “yes” , hit enter.

and that's all.

you have youre particular url's restricted.


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