azure - Using ASP.NET Web application as SignalR client -

my team in middle of deciding architecture of our backend system:

  1. webserver mvc application web api component, hosted in azure website.
  2. windows service b self-hosted owin server periodically push notifications clients subscribes notification, hosted in azure vm.
  3. windows service c client subscribes notification b, hosted in azure vm.

since more-or-less entrenched in .net stack, implemented b signalr server c being signalr client. part seems work well.

now comes point want subscribe b, realize means web server going act signalr client, instead of typical scenario acts signalr server.

i presume can initialize signalr connection in global.asax , make process ever-running avoid appdomain recycle. however, feel bit iffy when web server made other serving web requests. solution make web server not stateless since needs maintain web socket connection alive.

is there fundamentally wrong making application signalr client? there possible gotcha setup?

in azure cannot tell appdomain not recycle. because of many reasons, can restart heal , end making new connection singler server. ok you?

also singler used in web functionality improvement polling , refresh on web clients made simple. requirement seems end stuff, suggest go other event driven pattern. check azure service bus topic/subscription model have different components listen various events , act accordingly.


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