objective c - How to share Text on viber , Facebook messenger and Instagram from iOS application? -

if 1 has idea how share text viber facebook messenger , instagram please give reference.

i have try defultcanopenurl method viber , facebook-messenger below:


nsurl *fburl = [nsurl urlwithstring:@"fb-messenger://user-thread/user-id/"]; if ([[uiapplication sharedapplication] canopenurl: fburl]) {     [[uiapplication sharedapplication] openurl: fburl]; }  nsstring * urlviber = [nsstring stringwithformat:@"viber://send?  text=text"]; nsurl * viberurl = [nsurl urlwithstring:[urlviber stringbyaddingpercentescapesusingencoding:nsutf8stringencoding]]; if ([[uiapplication sharedapplication] canopenurl: viberurl]) {     [[uiapplication sharedapplication] openurl: viberurl]; } else {     alert(@"viber not installed.", @"your device has no viber installed.") } 

but above code redirects application. doesnt pass text application textfield.

waiting helpful guideline experts.. :)

for viber:

[nsurl urlwithstring:@"viber://forward?text=sdlmfkkanfj"] 

for instagram: have share image text, text cant share.

nsurl *instagramurl = [nsurl urlwithstring:@"instagram://app"];  if ([[uiapplication sharedapplication] canopenurl:instagramurl]) {            nsstring  *jpgpath = [nshomedirectory() stringbyappendingpathcomponent:@"documents/image.igo"];     nsstring *urlstring = [[nsstring alloc] initwithformat:@"file://%@", jpgpath];             nsurl *imageurl = [[nsurl alloc] initwithstring: urlstring];      self.doccontroller = [self setupcontrollerwithurl:imageurl usingdelegate:self];     self.doccontroller.uti = @"com.instagram.exclusivegram";     self.doccontroller.annotation = [nsdictionary dictionarywithobject:@"i_want_to_share_this_text" forkey:@"instagramcaption"];      [self.doccontroller presentopeninmenufromrect: self.view.frame inview: self.view animated: yes ]; } 


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