Cordova resolveLocalFileSystemURL error code 1000 in Android -

when use cordova function resolvelocalfilesystemurl type of file uri (like content:// have error code 1000. use cordova 5.1 , 5 version of android installed on smartphone.

adb logcat shows this:

w/system.err(28721): java.lang.nullpointerexception: attempt invoke virtual method 'long java.lang.long.longvalue()' on null object reference w/system.err(28721):    @ org.apache.cordova.file.contentfilesystem.getfilemetadataforlocalurl( w/system.err(28721):    @ org.apache.cordova.file.filesystem.exists( w/system.err(28721):    @ org.apache.cordova.file.fileutils.resolvelocalfilesystemuri( w/system.err(28721):    @ org.apache.cordova.file.fileutils.access$400( w/system.err(28721):    @ org.apache.cordova.file.fileutils$ w/system.err(28721):    @ org.apache.cordova.file.fileutils$ w/system.err(28721):    @ java.util.concurrent.threadpoolexecutor.runworker( w/system.err(28721):    @ java.util.concurrent.threadpoolexecutor$ w/system.err(28721):    @ 

is way open files cordova?

i have fixed issue. in android 5, cursor documentcursor not media cursor means looking wrong column. when column not found, plugin tries set primitive long null caused nullpointerexception.

@override public jsonobject getfilemetadataforlocalurl(localfilesystemurl inputurl) throws filenotfoundexception {     long size = -1;     long lastmodified = 0;     uri nativeuri = tonativeuri(inputurl);     string mimetype = resourceapi.getmimetype(nativeuri);     cursor cursor = opencursorforurl(nativeuri);     try {         if (cursor != null && cursor.movetofirst()) {             size = resourcesizeforcursor(cursor);             long modified = lastmodifieddateforcursor(cursor);             if (modified != null)                 lastmodified = modified.longvalue();         } else {             // content providers don't support cursors @ all!             cordovaresourceapi.openforreadresult offr = resourceapi.openforread(nativeuri);             size = offr.length;         }     } catch (ioexception e) {         throw new filenotfoundexception();     } {         if (cursor != null)             cursor.close();     }      jsonobject metadata = new jsonobject();     try {         metadata.put("size", size);         metadata.put("type", mimetype);         metadata.put("name", name);         metadata.put("fullpath", inputurl.path);         metadata.put("lastmodifieddate", lastmodified);     } catch (jsonexception e) {         return null;     }     return metadata; }  protected long lastmodifieddateforcursor(cursor cursor) {     int columnindex = cursor.getcolumnindex(mediastore.mediacolumns.date_modified);     if (columnindex == -1) {         columnindex = cursor.getcolumnindex(documentscontract.document.column_last_modified);     }     if (columnindex != -1) {         string datestr = cursor.getstring(columnindex);         if (datestr != null) {             return long.parselong(datestr);         }     }     return null; } 


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