c++ - Which boost libraries are discussed for inclusion in C++17? -

for typical programming needs, c++11 great milestone — replaced 95% of boost code standard library.

yet current status of its libraries not yet covered in standard library?

i started wondering due need of signals2 , lockfree.

i won't repeat has been done concerning networking, algorithms, filesystem, variant , any. however, can discuss point signals2 , little bit more.


boost.signals2 has been proposed in past n2086 inclusion tr2. more of mix between boost.signals2 , libsigc++. have read, people rather favorable inclusion of signals standard, paper needed more work , work has never been finished [citation needed].

now, more work should done in order adapt paper suits c++17, if task, signals still candidate inclusion.


don't me wrong, boost.container has not been proposed inclusion c++17 whole. however, library does have influence on proposals. here why:

  • n4510 proposes of standard containers can contain incomplete types can have "recursive" types. here minimal example straight paper:

    struct entry {     std::list<entry> messages;     // ... }; 

    the paper proposes std::vector, std::list , std::forward_list have these requirements gcc, clang , msvc libraries c++17-standard-compliant out of box, , encourages them implement other standard containers can fit idiom. kind of recursive containers 1 of first improvements brought boost.container on standard library containers.

  • n4526 discusses concerns of game industry , embedded industry c++ , standard library. among other things, notes many people waiting write paper propose inclusion of boost::flat_map , boost::flat_set boost.container standard library. while might not written @ all, or @ least not in time c++17, well-written paper accepted. update: p0038 proposes consider inclusion of flat containers standard library.


while library new (2012, boost 1.50) helped shape new algorithms have been included in library fundamentals ts and/or in c++17:

  • n4536 , p0025 propose standardize clamp function clamp value between pair of boundary values. proposals mention clamp function boost.algorithm source of inspiration design.

  • n3905 , subsequent papers aimed @ fixing design mistake propose standardize new searching algorithms, notably boyer-moore , boyer-moore-horspool string searching algorithms, have lived in boost.algorithm since creation.

miscellaneous things

a list of other features boost discussed or have influenced proposals:

  • it didn't make c++14, std::optional, inspired boost.optional, should make c++17 without problem.

  • the special math functions merged c++17. these functions part of tr1 , boost.math has included them years already.

  • std::not_fn merged c++17 , has lived in boost years.

  • p0013 proposes add metafunctions and_, or_ , not_ standard library , cites boost.mpl 1 of standard libraries having implemented such features long time. update: adopted in c++17 std::conjunction, std::disjunction , std::negation.

  • p0033 states std::enable_shared_from_this weakly specified , recommends standardizing same behavior boost's version of utility. proposes standardize boost::weak_from_this complete family.

  • many of proposed concurrency features in boost (std::barrier, std::latch...). however, should noted have been implemented in boost because have been proposed inclusion standard library. once, worked other way around. that's case modifications other existing classes.


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