Using Multiple filters in VBA || excel 2010 -

i new vba , need desperately. have excel file has 2 worksheets namely "urls" , "keywords". need macro can select keywords 1 one , apply them filters "urls" worksheet, in such manner in end have list of urls containing @ least 1 of keywords.

for instance if apply filter using first keyword "recipe", should get,

  • ""
  • ""

after when apply second keyword "net", should have

  • ""
  • ""
  • ""
  • ""
  • ""
  • ""
  • ""
  • "" , on.

you can download excel file @

thnx satdeep

filters not needed task:

sub gatherdata() '    dim s1 worksheet, s2 worksheet, v1 string, v2 string    dim n1 long, n2 long, long, j long, k long    set s1 = sheets("urls")    set s2 = sheets("keywords")     n1 = s1.cells(rows.count, 1).end(xlup).row    n2 = s2.cells(rows.count, 1).end(xlup).row    k = 1     j = 1 n2       v2 = s2.cells(j, 1).value       = 2 n1          v1 = s1.cells(i, 1).value          if instr(v1, v2) > 0             s1.cells(i, 1).copy s2.cells(k, 2)             k = k + 1          end if       next    next j end sub 


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