sql server - Elastic search does not returns any results -

i trying use elastic search mssql cant find results

the table name orders_table , fields [orderid],[customername],[userfullname],[status]

step 1: build index

post /_river/mytest_river/_meta {     "type":"jdbc",     "jdbc":      {         "driver":"com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.sqlserverdriver",         "url":"jdbc:sqlserver://[my_ip];databasename=mega",         "user":"sa","password":"******",         "sql":"select [orderid],[customername],[userfullname],[status]  [orders_table]",         "poll":"5s",         "index": "mega",         "type": "orders_table"          } } 

the result

{    "_index": "_river",    "_type": "mytest_river",    "_id": "_meta",    "_version": 2,    "created": false } 

step 2: mappings

put /_river/_mappings/orders_table {     "orders_table" : {         "properties" : {             "orderid" : {"type" : "integer"},             "customername" : {"type" : "string" },             "userfullname" : {"type" : "string" },             "status" : {"type" : "string" }         }     } } 

the result

{    "acknowledged": true } 

step 3: _search

post /_river/mytest_river/_search {     "query": {          "multi_match": {            "query":    "7694964",             "fields": [ "orderid" ]         }     }  } 

the results

{    "took": 4,    "timed_out": false,    "_shards": {       "total": 1,       "successful": 1,       "failed": 0    },    "hits": {       "total": 0,       "max_score": null,       "hits": []    } } 

why row [orderid]=7694964 not found?

why hits 0??

how can bring table results instead of hits?


post /mega/orders_table/_search {     "query": {          "multi_match": {            "query":    "7694964",             "fields": [ "orderid" ]         }     },     "size": 100 } 

to 100 documents or use scan , scroll paginated results or from/size same. but, careful size, don't want set big values in there because can bring cluster down. best be, if have many documents, use scan , scroll.


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