javascript - jQuery resizable handle inside child -

i receiving error:

uncaught typeerror: cannot read property 'ownerdocument' of undefined

when try place resizable handle inside child of container trying resize.


as can see, inside controls div, handle meant resize .ui-widget container, instead throwing above error.

if move handle outside of controls div however, works fine.

why happening? there workaround?

current jquery code:

$("div.ui-widget").resizable({     handles: {         'se': 'div.ui-resizable-se'     },     start: function(e, ui) {         $(ui.helper).addclass("dragging");     },     stop: function(e, ui) {         $(ui.helper).removeclass("dragging");         oldwidget.savestate($(ui.helper), 'resize');     } }); 

found solution myself.

it seems jqueryui version causing it! using 1.11.x , after reverting 1.10.4 problem gone , functions correctly!

any reasons why appreciated.


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