c++ - Should I be attempting to return an array, or is there a better solution? -

a problem set people learning c++

write short program simulate ball being dropped off of tower. start, user should asked initial height of tower in meters. assume normal gravity (9.8 m/s2), , ball has no initial velocity. have program output height of ball above ground after 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, , 5 seconds. ball should not go underneath ground (height 0).

before starting c++ had reasonable, self taught, knowledge of java. looking @ problem seems ought split into

  • input class
  • output class
  • calculations class
  • physical constants class (recommended question setter)
  • controller ('main') class

the input class ask user starting height, passed controller. controller give , number of seconds (5) calculations class, create array of results , return controller. controller hand array of results output class print them console.

i put actual code @ bottom, it's possibly not needed.

you can see problem, attempting return array. i'm not asking how round problem, there workaround here , here. i'm asking, is problem result of bad design? should program structured differently, performance, maintenance or style reasons, such not attempting return array object?

here code (which works apart trying return arrays);


/*  * main class, call other classes , passes variables around  */ #include <iostream> #include "dropsim.h" using namespace std;  int main() {     double height = getheight();     int seconds = 5;     double* results = calculateresults(height, seconds);     outputresults(results);     return 0; } 


/*  *  asks user height start experiment  *  si units  */ #include <iostream> using namespace std;  double getheight() {     cout << "what height should experiment start at; ";     double height;     cin >> height;     return height; } 


/*  * given initial height , physical constants, position of ball  * calculated @ integer number seconds, beginning @ 0  */  #include "constants.h" #include <cmath> #include <iostream> using namespace std;  double getposition(double height, double time);  double* calculateresults(double height, int seconds) {      double positions[seconds + 1];     for(int t = 0; t < seconds + 1; t++)     {         positions[t] = getposition(height, t);     }     return positions; }  double getposition(double height, double time) {     double position = height - 0.5*constants::gravity*pow(static_cast<double>(time), 2);     if( position < 0) position = 0;     //commented code testing     //cout << position << endl;     return position; } 


/*  *      takes array of results , prints them in appropriate format  */   #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <sstream>  using namespace std;  void outputresults(double* results){     string outputtext = "";     //the commented code test output method     //which working     //double results1[] = {1,2,3,4,5};     //int numresults = sizeof(results1)/sizeof(results1[0]);     int numresults = sizeof(results)/sizeof(results[0]);     //cout << numresults; //= 0 ... oh     for(int t = 0; t < numresults; t++)     {         ostringstream line;         line << "after " << t << " seconds height of object " << results[t] << "\r";         outputtext.append(line.str());      }     cout << outputtext; } 

and couple of headers; dropsim.h

/*  * dropsim.h  */  #ifndef dropsim_h_ #define dropsim_h_  double getheight();  double* calculateresults(double height, int seconds);  void outputresults(double* results);  #endif /* dropsim_h_ */ 


/*  *      contains physical constants relevant simulation.  *      si units  */  #ifndef constants_h_ #define constants_h_  namespace constants {     const double gravity(9.81); }  #endif /* constants_h_ */ 

i you're over-engineering big solution little problem, answer specific question:

should program structured differently, performance, maintenance or style reasons, such not attempting return array object?

returning array-like object fine. doesn't mean returning array, nor mean allocating raw memory new.

and it's not restricted return values either. when you're starting out c++, it's best forget has built-in arrays @ all. of time, should using either std::vector or std::array (or linear collection such std::deque).

built-in arrays should viewed special-purpose item, included compatibility c, not everyday use.

it may, however, worth considering writing computation in same style algorithms in standard library. mean writing code receive iterator destination, , writing output wherever iterator designates.

i'd package height , time set of input parameters, , have function generates output based on those:

struct params {     double height;     int seconds; };  template <class outit> void calc_pos(params const &p, outit output) {      (int i=0; i<p.seconds; i++) {         *output = get_position(p.height, i);         ++output;     } } 

this works more along rest of standard library:

std::vector<double> results;  calc_pos(inputs, std::back_inserter(results)); 

you can go few steps further if like--the standard library has quite bit great deal of this. calc_pos little more invoke function repeatedly successive values time. (for example) use std::iota generate successive times, use std::transform generate outputs:

std::vector<int> times(6);  std::iota(times.begin(), times.end(), 0);  std::vector<double> distances;  std::transform(times.begin(), times.end(), compute_distance); 

this computes distances distance dropped after given period of time rather height above ground, given initial height, computing difference between 2 quite trivial:

double initial_height = 5;  std::vector<double> heights;  std::transform(distances.begin(), distances.end(),      std::back_inserter(heights),     [=](double v) { return max(initial_height-v, 0); }); 

at least now, doesn't attempt calculate ball bouncing when hits ground--it assumes ball stops when hits ground.


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