android - Swiperefresh listview, updates but not how you would expect -

i have listview using swipefresh feature, , i've encountered weird problem. when swipe down, see animation , information (updates behind scenes.) however, can't see updated information, until physically scroll down , again. moment scroll towards top old data replaced new data.

swipe//        swipelayout = (swiperefreshlayout) findviewbyid(;         swipelayout.setcolorschemeresources(android.r.color.holo_blue_light, android.r.color.holo_green_light);         final textview rndnum = (textview) findviewbyid(;          swipelayout.setonrefreshlistener(new swiperefreshlayout.onrefreshlistener() {             @override             public void onrefresh() {                 log.i("refreshing", " onrefresh called swiperefreshlayout");                  initiaterefresh();             }         });  asynctask//  private void initiaterefresh() {     log.i("irefreshing", "initiaterefresh");      /**      * execute background task, uses {@link android.os.asynctask} load data.      */     new bgrefresh().execute(); }  private class bgrefresh extends asynctask<void, void, boolean> {      static final int task_duration = 3 * 1000; // 3 seconds      @override     protected boolean doinbackground(void... params) {         // sleep small amount of time simulate background-task         try {        thread.sleep(task_duration);             } catch (interruptedexception e) {                 e.printstacktrace();             }             arraylist<string> blah = new arraylist<>();              try {                 // simulate network access                 calendar cal = calendar.getinstance();                 simpledateformat month_date = new simpledateformat("m");                 string monthname = month_date.format(cal.gettime());                 int lastdayofmonth =(cal.getactualmaximum(calendar.day_of_month));                 int currentyear = calendar.getinstance().get(calendar.year);                 int year = calendar.getinstance().get(calendar.year);                ;                 calendar.getinstance().getactualmaximum(calendar.day_of_month);                  cal.set(calendar.day_of_month,1);                 monthname = month_date.format(cal.gettime());                 //string test = cal.gettime();                 //start_date_monthly_statements=5/1/15&end_date_monthly_statements=5/27/15&activity_detail_type=all&reg_captcha=&display=                 string startdaterecentactivity = monthname + "/1/" + currentyear;                 string enddaterecentyactivity = monthname + "/" + lastdayofmonth + "/" + currentyear;                 ///second calendar                 calendar cal2 = calendar.getinstance();                  cal2 = calendar.getinstance();                 // cal.add(calendar.day_of_month, -5); //go previous month                   webcreate web = new webcreate();                 try {                      //clear , go.                     fields.clear();                     values.clear();                       fields.add("data1");                     values.add(datav1");                      cal = calendar.getinstance();                     month_date = new simpledateformat("mm-dd-yyyy hh:mma");                     string date = month_date.format(cal.gettime());                     date = date.replace("-", "/");                     date = date.replace(" ", "\n");                      refreshts = (textview) findviewbyid(;                     refreshts.settext(date);                      mmainlistadapter = new customlistviewadapter(getapplicationcontext(), fields, values);                     madapter.n                  } catch (exception e) {                     e.printstacktrace();                     return false;                 }                  thread.sleep(2000);             } catch (interruptedexception e) {                 return false;             }         }          @override         protected void onpostexecute(boolean result) {             super.onpostexecute(result);                  madapter.notifydatasetchanged();                 // tell fragment refresh has completed                 onrefreshcomplete(result);         }      }      private void onrefreshcomplete(boolean result) {         log.i("log_tag", "onrefreshcomplete");          // remove items listadapter, , replace them new items         //mlistadapter.clear();         //for (string cheese : result) {         //    mlistadapter.add(cheese);         //}          // stop refreshing indicator         swipelayout.setrefreshing(false);     } 

what or cause this?

looks view of code have 2 adapters? mmainlistadapter , madapter? since data appears when scroll back, means aren't notifying adapter have updated data. call notifydatasetchanged() on other adapter, since mmainlistadapter appears main adapter.


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