r - Bid Rent Curves - Plotting Circles of Projected Radii from Another Dimension -

the goal reproduce bid-rent graph in r:

bid rent graph

the challenge draw projected circles. far got:

my 2d plot

the 2d part created r code below traditional graphic system in base r:

#distance x <- seq(0,7,1)  #bid rent curves: commercial, industrial, residential  com <- -5*x + 10 ind <- -2*x + 7   res <- -0.75*x + 4  graph <- plot(x, com, type="l", col="green", ylim=c(0,10), xlab="", ylab="", axes=false) lines(x, ind, col="red") lines(x, res, col="blue") abline(v=0, h=0)  segments(1,0, 1,5, lty=2) segments(2.5,0, 2.5,2, lty=2)  title(main="bid rent curves", sub="alonso model",        xlab="distance cbd", ylab="rent per m2")  text(2.5,7.5, "commercial", col="green") text(3.5,4, "industrial", col="red") text(5.5,2, "residential", col="blue") 
  1. (detail: why curves not respect ylim = 0 ?)
  2. how make projection , draw semi-circles?

it not 3d plot. have looked plot3d , rgl. not sure packages or strategy use here.

i'm taking @ word want circles, need push plot area upper right corner:

outhalfcirc <- function(r,colr) {opar=par(xpd=true, new=true) #plot ouside plot area    polygon(x=seq(r,-r,by=-0.1),            y= -sqrt(r^2 - seq(r,-r,by=-0.1)^2) , # solve r^2 = x^2 +y^2 y            xlim =c(0,7 ), ylim=c(0,10), col=colr,  # need xlim , ylim match base plot ranges            yaxs="i", yaxt="n", xaxs="i") # yaxis off; x , y axes meet @ origin   par(opar)} 

then push plot , right: draw colored half-circles (largest first overlap) below y=0 line.

png()  # send image file;  not needed testing opar <- par(mar=c(15, 15, 2,2) ) # default units in widths of text-"line". # margins start @ lower, clockwise  # run code  outhalfcirc(5.5, "blue") outhalfcirc(2.5, "red") outhalfcirc(1, "green") dev.off()  # complete image production par(opar)  # different 'opar' inside function 

voila! although not circles because aspect ratio not 1. can fixed (or set xlim , ylim equal. enter image description here


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