Android get .ics file for calendar events -

i able fetch calendar events android device using calendar events cursor. want extract .ics file.

is possible extract .ics? if not can generate .ics file cursor?

i expecting .ics file looks below :

begin:vcalendar version:1.0 begin:vevent categories:meeting status:tentative dtstart:19960401t033000z dtend:19960401t043000z summary:your proposal review description:steve , john review newest proposal material class:private end:vevent end:vcalendar 

edit : further want group multiple calendar events single .ics file

you have download biweekly.jar first

                  ical = new icalendar();// creating ical object                              vevent event = new vevent();                              summary summary = event.setsummary("meeting");                             attendee attendee1=event.addattendee(email);                             attendee attendee2=event.addattendee(myemail);                             location location=event.setlocation(venue);                              summary.setlanguage("en-us");                             start = dt;                             event.setdescription(comments);                             event.setdatestart(new datestart(start, false));                               try {                                 if(chosenfile!=null)                                 event.addattachment(new attachment("", chosenfile));// adding attachment                             } catch (ioexception e) {                                 // todo auto-generated catch block                                 e.printstacktrace();                             }                             ical.addevent(event);                              string filepath =              environment.getexternalstoragedirectory() + "/meetings.ics";                             file = new file(filepath);       file root = new file(environment.getexternalstoragedirectory(), "notes");                 if (!root.exists()) {                     root.mkdirs();                 }                 file file = new file(root,"meetings.ics");                 biweekly.write(ical).go(file);                             if(!isconnected())                                 showdialog();                             else                             {                                      // taking user device calender enable user store meeting in local calendar if wishes                                       intent calintent = new intent(intent.action_insert);                                      calintent.settype("");                                         calintent.putextra(events.title, "meeting");                                      calintent.putextra(events.event_location, venue);                                      calintent.putextra(events.description, comments);                                     calintent.putextra(calendarcontract.attendees.attendee_name, name);                                      calintent.putextra(calendarcontract.attendees.attendee_email, email);                                     calintent.putextra(calendarcontract.extra_event_begin_time,                                           start.gettime());                                      calintent.putextra(calendarcontract.extra_event_end_time,                                               start.gettime()+3600000);                                      startactivityforresult(calintent, 1);                              } 


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