resize - Angularjs resizing overlayed on div's on img-responsive -

i have bootstrap img-responsive element overlayed div elements. how can resize these divs binding width , height attributes. not want use jquery, correct angular way.

i have tried directive

            app.directive('onsizechanged', ['$window', function ($window) {                 return {                     restrict: 'a',                     scope: {                         onsizechanged: '&'                     },                     link: function (scope, $element, attr) {                         var element = $element[0];                          cacheelementsize(scope, element);                         $window.addeventlistener('resize', onwindowresize);                          function cacheelementsize(scope, element) {                             scope.cachedelementwidth = element.offsetwidth;                             scope.cachedelementheight = element.offsetheight;                         }                          function onwindowresize() {                             var issizechanged = scope.cachedelementwidth != element.offsetwidth || scope.cachedelementheight != element.offsetheight;                             if (issizechanged) {                                 var expression = scope.onsizechanged();                                 expression();                             }                         };                     }                 }             }]); 

but somehow not able update width of elements

i don't want disappoint after tried work out directive, best way css:

updated plunker

simply change overlays use percentages , automatically stay in right proportion , position:

#overlay1{     position: absolute;     background-color: blue;       top: 5%;     left: 5%;     right: 65%;     bottom: 65%; } #overlay2{     position: absolute;     background-color: red;       top: 35%;     left: 35%;     right: 35%;     bottom: 35%; } #overlay3{     position: absolute;     background-color: green;       top: 65%;     left: 65%;     right: 5%;     bottom: 5%; } 


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