sonar runner - Sonarqube ghost projects in issues -

i configuring sonarqube instance version of 5.1 , after several analyzes there ghost projects appearing in issues tab on main page. there 1 project being analyzed same identifier , when check database projects there 1 project , issues in corresponding table has same project_uuid. problem arises when want list issues related every project on server. on left side when choose project filter there should 1 project there unnamed projects appear , when choose issue within ghost project sonarqube gives error message "parameter 'uuid' missing". when check url uuid of ghost project, not find trace uuid in database either. there way remove these ghost projects or running sonar-runner wrong configuration?

edit - config:

sonar.projectkey=x sonar.projectname=x sonar.projectversion=1.0  sonar.modules=a,b,c a.sonar.projectbasedir=modules/a b.sonar.projectbasedir=modules/b c.sonar.projectbasedir=modules/c sonar.sources=src sonar.tests=test**/classes/production,../**/classes/test sonar.junit.reportspath=junit/ sonar.jacoco.reporthpath=coverage/jacoco.exec sonar.language=java sonar.sourceencoding=utf-8 

if these showing on issues tab only, seems issue indexing, somehow search index seems corrupted. can try delete es index , see if fixes issue you. es index stored in <sonar-install-dir>/data/es folder.


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