java - Get Request Fulfilled Response from Amazon S3 -

this code example of uploading object using amazon s3 .

public class uploadobjectsingleoperation {     private static string bucketname     = "*** provide bucket name ***";     private static string keyname        = "*** provide key ***";     private static string uploadfilename = "*** provide file name ***";      public static void main(string[] args) throws ioexception {         amazons3 s3client = new amazons3client(new profilecredentialsprovider());         try {             system.out.println("uploading new object s3 file\n");             file file = new file(uploadfilename);             s3client.putobject(new putobjectrequest(                                      bucketname, keyname, file));           } catch (amazonserviceexception ase) {             system.out.println("caught amazonserviceexception, " +                     "means request made " +                     "to amazon s3, rejected error response" +                     " reason.");             system.out.println("error message:    " + ase.getmessage());             system.out.println("http status code: " + ase.getstatuscode());             system.out.println("aws error code:   " + ase.geterrorcode());             system.out.println("error type:       " + ase.geterrortype());             system.out.println("request id:       " + ase.getrequestid());         } catch (amazonclientexception ace) {             system.out.println("caught amazonclientexception, " +                     "means client encountered " +                     "an internal error while trying " +                     "communicate s3, " +                     "such not being able access network.");             system.out.println("error message: " + ace.getmessage());         }     } 

in , can http status code if amazonserviceexception. there way http status code successful response ? aim acknowledged image uploaded successfully.

find out there no way httpstatus code successful response. listening exceptions enough sure of succeeded upload .


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