c# - Text fields & gridview didn't update while CRUD performing operations winforms devexpress -

in simple form, have gridview & few text fields (edittext) available, data filled ms access database while form loads. have few buttons crud operation. after performing new record or modify record or delete record (in separate / new form) have code update / refresh gridview & edittext. code doesn't works here. if use breakpoint & check means working fine, automatically data didn't updates ms access datadase. after repoening same form updates or keep 1 refresh button after pressing updates. wrong code ?? please me solve this.. in advance.

billdetails frm = new billdetails(edittext1.text, code1, mode); frm.showdialog();  string qry = "select billid, billno, billdate, billdescription, billamount, deductionamount, amountpaid tblcoverletterdetail chq_id=" + edittext2.text; appset.fillgrid(gridcontrol1, qry); gridview1.columns["billid"].visible = false; 

this above code filling gridview after curd (create operation).

sample image


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