debian - Bash script to check if running -

i have following in crontab sync folders on servers run on round robin dns settings syncs every minute.

* * * * * rsync -ar --delete -e ssh /home/user/folder1/ >/dev/null 2>&1 * * * * * rsync -ar --delete -e ssh /home/user/folder2/ >/dev/null 2>&1 

this rsync works small files, it's getting bigger wondering how can script, put script crontab , each time script run, check if it's running. if script running, nothing; if it's not running, should go ahead , start rsync.

anyone know how can this?

as swornabsent noted in comments, can use file-based locks, though link identifies reasons not use it. see this question quick-and-dirty locking in shell scripts, has great answer advantages directory-based locks instead.

to identify whether process running, may choose use pgrep, though may not idea in general case due time after check , before process starts up.


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