project - read and write from a txt file (assembly) -

i writing project in assembly language , have problem read file , print on screen written in it.

i took part of code (which read , print part) , tried fix , re write , still have problem.

if can me i'll more happy

this code :

org 100h mov ah,0ah mov dx,offset place int 21h             ; getting place(directory) of file     mov si,offset place inc si mov dx,[si] inc dx mov si,dx mov [si],0  mov ah,02 mov dl,13 int 21h mov ah,02 mov dl,10 int 21h  mov ah,0ah mov dx,offset filename int 21h            ;getting file name   mov si,offset filename inc si mov dx,[si] inc dx mov si,dx mov [si],0   mov ah,02 mov dl,13 int 21h mov ah,02 mov dl,10 int 21h   call gotoplace     ;go place of file ;------------------  call openfile      ;open file  ;------------------  mov ah,3fh mov si,offset filehandle mov bx,[si]              ;move file adress bx mov cx,40000             ;numbers of bytes read mov dx,offset buff       ;pointer read buffer int 21h   mov si,offset filesize   ;move si pointer filesize mov [si],ax              ;move filesize how many bytes read  ;------------------         ;writing on screen ->  mov bx,offset buff   ;move bx pointer of buffer mov si,offset filesize mov cx,[si]          ;move cx how many write  startwrite:  mov ah,2 mov dl,[bx] ;move dl letter in place [bx] int 21h  inc bx dec cx jnz startwrite   proc gotoplace     mov ah,3bh     mov dx,offset place ;move offset place dx     add dx,2     int 21h      ret  endp gotoplace      proc openfile      mov ah,3d     mov al,2  ;open read / write     mov dx,offset filename  ;move dx offset filename      add dx,2     int 21h        ;--------------------------      mov si,offset filehandle ;move offset filehandle(location in memory) si     mov [si],ax              ;move file adress 'filehandle'(location in meory'       ret  endp openfile  ret  filehandle dd ? filename db 40          db 42 dup (0)  place db 40       db 42 dup (0)         buff db 40000 dup (0)  filesize dd ?  

and function read , write :

proc readprint      call gotoplace     ;go place of file     ;------------------      call openfile      ;open file      ;------------------      mov ah,3fh     mov si,offset filehandle     mov bx,[si]              ;move file adress bx     mov cx,40000             ;numbers of bytes read     mov dx,offset buff       ;pointer read buffer     int 21h       mov si,offset filesize   ;move si pointer filesize     mov [si],ax              ;move filesize how many bytes read      ;------------------            mov ah,2     mov bh,0     mov dh,1     mov dl,1     int 10h  ;move cursor start of page     ;writing on screen ->      mov bx,offset buff   ;move bx pointer of buffer     mov si,offset filesize     mov cx,[si]          ;move cx how many write      startwrite:      mov ah,2     mov dl,[bx] ;move dl letter in place [bx]     int 21h      inc bx     dec cx     jnz startwrite      ;------------------      ret  endp readprint  

these problems in code :

  • in proc openfile use number 3d should 3dh.
  • after capturing "place" , "filename" insert chr(0) @ end of both strings, doing mov dx,[si], error because length of string (pointed [si]) 1 byte, , moving 2 bytes dx.
  • the file size type dd should dw, remember use number in cx write screen, that's why must dw.
  • you forgot finish program properly.

there problem it's not fault. emu8086 has issue when opening files. emu8086 runs programs in subdirectory c:\emu8086\mybuild, emu8086 doesn't allow open files outside subdirectory mybuild. in order work files in emu8086, store them in c:\emu8086\mybuild.

next code. fixed problems , commented code changes subdirectory, changes pointed arrows <========= :

org 100h  ;mov ah,0ah ;mov dx,offset place ;int 21h             ; getting place(directory) of file     ;add 0 end of string <==================================  ;mov si,offset place ;inc si ;mov dl,[si]         ;<== length of string byte, not word ;mov dh,0            ;<================== clear dh use dx ;inc dx ;add si,dx           ;<========= si points final char + 1 ;mov [byte ptr si],0 ;<========= number 0 has no size   ;line break.  ;;mov ah,02 ;mov dl,13 ;int 21h ;mov ah,02 ;mov dl,10 ;int 21h  mov ah,0ah mov dx,offset filename int 21h            ;getting file name   ;add 0 end of string <==================================  mov si,offset filename inc si mov dl,[si]         ;<== length of string byte, not word mov dh,0            ;<================== clear dh use dx inc dx add si,dx           ;<========= si points final char + 1 mov [byte ptr si],0 ;<========= number 0 has no size   ;line break.  mov ah,02 mov dl,13 int 21h mov ah,02 mov dl,10 int 21h   ;call gotoplace     ;go place of file ;------------------  call openfile      ;open file  ;------------------  mov ah,3fh mov si,offset filehandle mov bx,[si]              ;move file adress bx mov cx,40000             ;numbers of bytes read mov dx,offset buff       ;pointer read buffer int 21h   mov si,offset filesize   ;move si pointer filesize mov [si],ax              ;move filesize how many bytes read  ;------------------         ;writing on screen ->  mov bx,offset buff   ;move bx pointer of buffer mov si,offset filesize mov cx,[si]          ;move cx how many write  startwrite:  mov ah,2 mov dl,[bx] ;move dl letter in place [bx] int 21h  inc bx dec cx jnz startwrite  ;wait until user press key  <===========================   mov  ah,7   int  21h  ;finish program  <==========================================   mov  ax, 4c00h   int  21h              proc gotoplace     mov ah,3bh     mov dx,offset place ;move offset place dx     add dx,2     int 21h      ret  endp gotoplace      proc openfile      mov ah,3dh     mov al,2  ;open read / write     mov dx,offset filename  ;move dx offset filename      add dx,2     int 21h        ;--------------------------      mov si,offset filehandle ;move offset filehandle(location in memory) si     mov [si],ax              ;move file adress 'filehandle'(location in meory'       ret  endp openfile  ret  filehandle dd ? filename db 40          db 42 dup (0)  place db 40       db 42 dup (0)         buff db 40000 dup (0)  filesize dw ?  ;<========= in 8086 cannot read more 64kb. 


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