templates - C++ implementation of a singly linked list -

i'm trying implement singly linked list in c++. here's node.

template <typename t> struct snode{     explicit snode(const t& val, snode* ptr=0) : value(val), next(ptr){}     t value;     snode* next; }; 

here's slist

template <typename t> class slist{ public:     class iterator;      slist() : head_(0){}      //need assign copy constructor     //assignment operator     //destructor      bool empty() const{ return (head_ == 0);}     int size() const;     iterator begin();     iterator end();      void insert(iterator p, const t& t);     void erase(iterator p);  private:     snode<t>* head_; }; 

and here's iterator

class iterator{ public:     explicit iterator(snode<t>* node = 0) : node_(node){}      t& operator*(){return node_->value; }     t* operator->(){return &(node_->value); }      iterator& operator++(){         if(node_ != 0)node_ = node_->next;         return *this;     }     iterator operator++(int){         iterator tmp = *this;         if(node_ != 0) node_ = node_->next;         return tmp;     }     bool operator==(const iterator& iter) const{return (node_ == iter.node_);}      bool operator!=(const iterator& iter) const{ return (node_ != iter.node_);}      snode<t>* node_; }; 

the issue since i've declared iterator inside slist, should have access generic t object in iterator definition. isn't happening. continue squiggly on t saying

can't resolve symbol t 

you not showing explicit instantiated (or casted) type. "t" can't compile because can't resolve "t" reconciles to. iterator class needs "templated" or explicitly casted within class in order reconcile.


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