java - How to calculate total checkboxes selected ? If (totalselected)>10 disable rest -

so im trying check if total number of checkboxes selected == 10. if i'm wanting disable rest of checkboxes aren't selected! meaning user can select 10 checkboxes.

i thinking for loop loops through array , checks if checkbox selected , adds 1 counter. if counter reaches 10 thought may easy disable rest of checkboxes not!

          list<checkbox> chksongs = new arraylist<checkbox>();             string labels[] = {"songa", "songb", "songc", "songd", "songe",                 "songf", "songg", "songh", "songi", "songj", "songk", "songl", "songm",             "songn", "songo", "songp", "songq", "songr", "songs", "songt"}             (int = 0; < labels.length; i++) {                 checkbox checkbox = new checkbox(labels[i]);                 chksongs.add(checkbox);                  formpanel.add(checkbox);             }  

here wrote on fly, think want:

public class checkboxframe extends jframe {      public checkboxframe() throws headlessexception {         jpanel formpanel = new jpanel(new gridlayout(-1, 4));         list<checkbox> chksongs = new arraylist<>();         string labels[] = {"songa", "songb", "songc", "songd", "songe",                            "songf", "songg", "songh", "songi", "songj", "songk", "songl", "songm",                            "songn", "songo", "songp", "songq", "songr", "songs", "songt"};         (string label : labels) {             checkbox checkbox = new checkbox(label);             chksongs.add(checkbox);             formpanel.add(checkbox);         }         checkboxlistener listener = new checkboxlistener(chksongs, 10);         setcontentpane(formpanel);         setdefaultcloseoperation(jframe.exit_on_close);         pack();     }      public class checkboxlistener implements itemlistener {          private int boxeschecked;         private final list<checkbox> checkboxes;         private final int maxselections;          public checkboxlistener(list<checkbox> checkboxes, int maxselections) {             this.checkboxes = new arraylist<>(objects.requirenonnull(checkboxes));             this.maxselections = maxselections;             this.boxeschecked = (int) -> cb.getstate()).count();             this.checkboxes.foreach(cb -> cb.additemlistener(this));         }          @override         public void itemstatechanged(itemevent ie) {             if (ie.getstatechange() == itemevent.selected) {                 boxeschecked++;             } else {                 boxeschecked--;             }              if (boxeschecked == maxselections) {        -> !cb.getstate()).foreach(cb -> cb.setenabled(false));             } else if (boxeschecked == maxselections - 1) {        -> cb.setenabled(true));             }         }      }      public static void main(string[] args) {         eventqueue.invokelater(new runnable() {              @override             public void run() {                 new checkboxframe().setvisible(true);             }          });     }  } 

this still has flaws (you add listener checkbox, example), it's not bad.


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