javascript - How to implement ajax post submission in cakephp -

i have surfed net trying implement ajax post submission in cakephp no avail, how can achieve functionality, 1 on twitter , how update post automatically whenever there new record? post code:

public function add($id = null) {    if ($this->request->is('post')) {    $this->request->data['post']['user_id'] = $this->session->read('');    $this->post->create();    if ($this->post->save($this->request->data)) { $this->session->setflash(__('the post has been saved.')); return $this->redirect(array('action' => 'index')); } else { $this->session->setflash(__('the post not saved. please, try again.')); } } $users = $this->post->user->find('list'); $this->set(compact('users')); } 

and here post form:

<?php echo $this->form->create('post'); ?> <fieldset> <legend><?php echo __('add post'); ?></legend> <?php echo $this->form->input('title'); echo $this->form->input('content'); ?> </fieldset>     <?php echo $this->form->end(__('submit')); ?> 

try ajax post submission.

replace submit button code following:

<?php echo $this->ajax->submit('submit',     array(         'class'=>'btn',          'div'=>false,          'label'=>false,          'url' => array(             'controller' =>'your_controller',             'action' =>'your_function'         ),         'update' =>'update_section_id',          )     );  ?> 


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