java - When I select a row in MySQL using hibernate classes, it makes an update automatically -

i'm trying develop blacklist users including several variables. when user sign in application, check if parameters blacklisted or not.

the problem when perform select , database find fits search, automatically perform update clean row.

this mysql log:

   86 query select * blacklist mobile_token = 'b'        86 query show warnings        86 query select @@session.tx_read_only        86 query update mydatabase.blacklist set email=null, iban=null, mobile_token=null, nif=null blacklist_id=1        86 query show warnings        86 query commit        86 query set autocommit=1        86 query set autocommit=1        86 query set session transaction read write 

this table: enter image description here

my model:

package models.classes_hibernate;  import javax.persistence.*;  import static javax.persistence.generationtype.identity;  @entity @table(name="blacklist"     ,catalog="mydatabase" ) public class blacklist implements {      private integer blacklistid;     private string mobiletoken;     private string iban;     private string nif;     private string email;      public blacklist() {     }      @id @generatedvalue(strategy=identity)      @column(name="blacklist_id", unique=true, nullable=false)     public integer getblacklistid() {         return this.blacklistid;     }     public void setblacklistid(integer blacklistid) {         this.blacklistid = blacklistid;     }      @column(name="mobile_token", nullable = false)     public string getmobiletoken() {         return this.mobiletoken;     }     public void setmobiletoken(string name) {         this.mobiletoken = mobiletoken;     }      @column(name="iban", nullable = false)     public string getiban() {         return this.iban;     }     public void setiban(string name) {         this.iban = iban;     }      @column(name="nif", nullable = false)     public string getnif() {         return this.nif;     }     public void setnif(string name) {         this.nif =  nif;     }      @column(name="email", nullable = false)     public string getemail() {         return;     }     public void setemail(string name) { =  email;     } } 

and dao:

package models.dao;  import; import models.classes_hibernate.blacklist; import; import org.hibernate.criteria; import org.hibernate.session; import org.hibernate.criterion.restrictions; import org.hibernate.type.stringtype; import play.logger; import play.db.jpa.jpa; import play.db.jpa.transactional;  import javax.persistence.noresultexception; import javax.persistence.query; import java.util.list;  public class blacklistdaoimpl implements myappcruddaointerface<blacklist> {      @override     public void create(blacklist entity) {         jpa.em().persist(entity);     }      @override     public blacklist read(integer id) {         return jpa.em().find(blacklist.class, id);     }      public page<blacklist> readall(string orientation,int pagesize, int beginelementid)     {         query query = null;         list<blacklist> blacklists = null;         boolean aretheremore = false;         page<blacklist> allblacklists = null;         int size = 0;          if(orientation.equals("all")) {             query = jpa.em().createnativequery("select * blacklist",blacklist.class);          }          if(orientation.equals("lt")) {             query = jpa.em().createnativequery("select * blacklist blacklist_id < ? order blacklist_id desc",blacklist.class);             query.setparameter(1, beginelementid);             size =query.getresultlist().size();             query.setmaxresults(pagesize);         }          if(orientation.equals("gt")) {             query = jpa.em().createnativequery("select * blacklist blacklist_id > ? order blacklist_id asc",blacklist.class);             query.setparameter(1, beginelementid);             size =query.getresultlist().size();             query.setmaxresults(pagesize);          }          if (size>pagesize)             aretheremore = true;          try {             blacklists = query.getresultlist();              if (orientation.equals("gt")) {                 list<blacklist> reverselist = lists.reverse(blacklists);                 blacklists = reverselist;             }             allblacklists = new page<blacklist>(blacklists, aretheremore, "blacklist");              return allblacklists;         }         catch(noresultexception nre){             allblacklists=null;             return allblacklists;         }     }      @override     public void update(blacklist entity) {         jpa.em().merge(entity);     }      @override     public void delete(blacklist entity) {         jpa.em().remove(entity);     }      @override     public boolean ismanaged(blacklist entity) {         return jpa.em().contains(entity);     }      @override     public void close() {         jpa.em().close();     }      public boolean ismobiletokenblacklisted(string mobiletoken) {          query query = jpa.em().createnativequery("select * blacklist mobile_token = ?",blacklist.class);         query.setparameter(1, mobiletoken);          blacklist blacklist;         try {             logger.debug("voy comprobar");             blacklist = (blacklist)query.getsingleresult();         } catch (noresultexception nre){             blacklist=null;         }         return blacklist != null;     } 

ismobiletokenblacklisted call:

@post @path("/api/user") @apioperation(position = 3, nickname ="user", value = "sign new user",notes = "minimum json required: ",         response = appuserjson.class, httpmethod = "post") @bodyparser.of(bodyparser.json.class) @transactional public static result signup() {      appuserdaoimpl appuserdao = new appuserdaoimpl();      appuserjson user = null;     appuser appuser = null;     blacklistdaoimpl blacklistdao = new blacklistdaoimpl();     try {         user = parse();          string encrypt_nif = user.nif;         string encrypt_authorization = user.parental_authorization;         string encrypt_password = user.password;         try {             encrypt_password= encryptutils.encrypt(config1.getstring("key"),user.password);             if(user.nif!= null)                 encrypt_nif = encryptutils.encrypt(config1.getstring("key"),user.nif);             if(user.parental_authorization!= null)                 encrypt_authorization = encryptutils.encrypt(config1.getstring("key"),user.parental_authorization);         } catch (exception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         }         appuser = new appuser(new date(), new date(),, encrypt_password, user.mobile_token,                 user.mobile_device, 0, 0, 0, 0, encrypt_nif,                 false,"not_locked", encrypt_authorization, 0, false);          if ( == null) {             return status (200, "email missing");         } else if (blacklistdao.isemailblacklisted({             return status(401, "email blacklisted");         }          if (user.password == null)             return status(201, "password missing");          if (user.mobile_token == null) {             return status (206, "mobiletoken missing");         } else if (blacklistdao.ismobiletokenblacklisted(user.mobile_token)){             logger.debug("mobiletoken blacklisted");             return status(401, "mobile token blacklisted");         }          if (user.mobile_device== null)             return status(207, "mobiledevice missing");          else{             appuserdao.create(appuser);             user.app_user_id= appuser.getappuserid();             return ok(json.tojson(user));         }      } catch (incompletejsonexception e) {         return badrequest("incompletejsonexception");     } catch (duplicatejsonexception e) {         return badrequest("duplicatejsonexception");     } } 


i don't know comes can find way correct thing improve code , exclude queries.

  • be sure use bracket around if. it's not compulsory way make code clearer
  • in signup method, else not logical. depends on last if (mobiledevice test). want create user if test wrong.
  • here want test if have blacklisted element corresponding research. can use count function or exists can more efficient maybe.

you can use debug mode see update done too.


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