c# - For loop on Data table on condition -

i have result dataset,

dataset dsresult = new dataset();

dsresult.tables[0].rows.count = 17

now want loop through data table first 5 rows , create dsresult.tables[1]

and next 5 more rows dsresult.tables[2]

and next 5 more dsresult.tables[3]

then last 2 rows dsresult.tables[4]

from below code getting number of tables required

decimal remainder = decimal.divide(dsresult.tables[0].rows.count, 5); var numberofrequests = math.ceiling((decimal)remainder);

or can in sql

how genaralize logic.

please guide me here.

using linq simple

var firstfive = dsresult.tables[0].asenumerable().take(5); var secondfive = dsresult.tables[0].asenumerable().skip(5).take(5); 

and on.
not loop, let linq you.

if later need convert results datatables msdn has example on how creating datatable query (linq dataset)


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