objective c - How to change MIDI TEMPO on the fly? [CoreMIDI] iOS -

i've got musictrack midi notes set musicsequence, ¡s being played musicplayer. problem comes when tried adjust tempo using;

musictracknewextendedtempoevent(musictrack, 0.0, newbpm);

apparently should change tempoevent in musictrack being played, doesn't. idea why happening?

you first have remove tempo events tempo track.

static void removetempoevents(musictrack tempotrack){     musiceventiterator tempiter;     newmusiceventiterator(tempotrack, &tempiter);     boolean hasevent;     musiceventiteratorhascurrentevent(tempiter, &hasevent);     while (hasevent) {         musictimestamp stamp;         musiceventtype type;         const void *data = null;         uint32 sizedata;          musiceventiteratorgeteventinfo(tempiter, &stamp, &type, &data, &sizedata);         if (type == kmusiceventtype_extendedtempo){             musiceventiteratordeleteevent(tempiter);             musiceventiteratorhascurrentevent(tempiter, &hasevent);         }         else{             musiceventiteratornextevent(tempiter);             musiceventiteratorhascurrentevent(tempiter, &hasevent);         }     }     disposemusiceventiterator(tempiter); } static void settempo(musicsequence sequence,float64 tempo){     musictrack tempotrack;     musicsequencegettempotrack(sequence ,&tempotrack);     removetempoevents(tempotrack);     musictracknewextendedtempoevent(tempotrack,0, tempo); } 


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