python - How can I put 2 buttons with images Vertically in a frame -
im using tkinter , trying create toolbar located on left side going vertically, have toolbar on top of frame filled in going horizontaly can't figure out how make second 1 on left, buttons.
this code have:
infobar = frame(master, bg="#ecf0f1", bd=1, relief=groove) infobar.pack(side=left, fill=both, expand=none) infobarr = label(toolbar, bg="#ecf0f1", text=' ') infobarr.pack(side=left, fill=y) poundtokgbutton = button(infobar, highlightbackground="#ecf0f1", image=eimg20, relief=flat, command=self.scale) poundtokgbutton.image = eimg20 createtooltip(poundtokgbutton, "conversion - pound kg") poundtokgbutton.pack(side=left) calculatorbutton = button(infobar, highlightbackground="#ecf0f1", image=eimg19, bd=1, relief=flat, command=self.calc) calculatorbutton.image = eimg19 createtooltip(calculatorbutton, "calculator") calculatorbutton.pack(side=left, anchor="sw")
use side=top
if want things stacked vertically. containing widget has empty space. when use pack
, you're telling tkinter side of empty space put widget.
here example of happens when call pack:
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