objective c - Matching a string against multiple patterns -

i have question regarding style of solution pretty simple problem.

i have program matches list of file names against number of patterns. if file name matches pattern, file renamed , counter incremented.

currently i'm matching against 4 different patterns

if ([file rangeofstring:pattern].location != nsnotfound) { counter ++; //rename file... }  if ([file rangeofstring:pattern2].location != nsnotfound) { counter2 ++; //rename file... } [...] 

the solution works not scale. if have match against more patterns.

so thought using like

nsstring *someregexp = ...;  nspredicate *mytest = [nspredicate predicatewithformat:file, someregexp];   if ([mytest evaluatewithobject: teststring]){  } 

however, not see way increment counters in such solution depend on exact match....

so wondering whether here knows more comprehensive/nice solution problem.....

thanks in advance norbert

how subclassing nsstring, adding counter track match count.

@interface patternmatchingstring : nsstring  @property (readwrite) nsuinteger matchcount;  @end  -(void)patternmatching {     for(patternmatchingstring *pattern in arrayofpatterns)     {         if([file rangeofstring:pattern].location != nsnotfound)             pattern.matchcount++;     } } 


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