python - copying a 24x24 image into a 28x28 array of zeros -

hi want copy random portion of 28x28 matrix , use resulting 24x24 matrix inserted 28x28 matrix image = image.reshape(28, 28)

    getx = random.randint(0,4)     gety = random.randint(0,4)      # 24 x 24 tile random location in img     blank_image = np.zeros((28,28), np.uint8)      tile= image[gety:gety+24,getx:getx+24]     cv2.imshow("the 24x24 image",tile) 

tile 24x24 roi works planned

    blank_image[gety:gety+24,getx:getx+24] = tile 

blank_image in example not updated values tile

thanks in advance

if getting error, might because np array dimensions different. if image rgb image, blank image should defined :

blank_image = np.zeros((28,28,3), uint8) 


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