vb.net - What methods to recognize sentence handwriting? -

i mean posts per sentence, not per letter. such doctor's prescription handwriting hard read. not normal handwriting.

in example :

  1. i use data mining or machine learning doing training paper handwrited.

  2. user scanning paper hard read writing.

  3. the application doing image processing.

  4. and output sentence paper.

and device use? (scanner or webcam)

i newbie. if need example in vb.net emgucv/opencv , researches journals.

any appreciated.

welcome stack overflow! answer question twofold: a. if want recognize handwriting has happened i.e. presented image in trouble. computer vision still not enough provide reasonable accuracy. b. if have chance recognize handwriting “as it's happening” - in luck. download, example, gesture search app android play store , in business.

the difference between 2 scenarios subtle significant. in second case have piece of information makes handwriting recognition possible. piece timing of each stroke. in other words, instead of image handwriting have bunch of strokes labeled time stamps. can think sequence of lines , curves or image segmentation - in way provides big hint system. additional comes dictionary on phone typically used handwriting system.

android of course has open source library stroke recognition (find more on own). if still want go recognizing images though, have first detect text (e.g. bounding box) , second use of existing engines process detected regions. text detection can recommend mser. careful trying implement text detection on own - entering world of pain here ;). here article can help.

as learning how recognize text images on internet - can plan b or c or z when master above mentioned stages. don’t try abuse learning methods , make them hard work - hit wall if don’t understand what’s going on under hood.


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