android - Button inside a Widget ListView does not trigger Broadcast -

my widget single listview number of elements. should clickable through listview , since elements have 2 buttons, should clickable, too. desired action on button click broadcast, while list element click should open activity (which works).

the receiver registered in manifest , has corresponding intent-filter.

in remoteviewsfactory.getviewat(int position) done add pendingintent:

private void registerbuttonlistener(remoteviews remoteview, int id, int zoneid) {      intent intent = new intent(widgettemperaturereceiver.action);     intent.putextra("id", zoneid);     intent.putextra("up", id ==;     intent.setclassname(widgettemperaturereceiver.class.getpackage().getname(), widgettemperaturereceiver.class.getname());     pendingintent pending = pendingintent.getbroadcast(context.getapplicationcontext(), 0, intent, pendingintent.flag_update_current);      remoteview.setonclickpendingintent(id, pending);  } 

however nothing received. ideas why?

i'm guessing package name or class name not being passed in properly.

instead of this:

intent.setclassname(widgettemperaturereceiver.class.getpackage().getname(),                     widgettemperaturereceiver.class.getname()); 

use this:

intent.setclass(context, widgettemperaturereceiver.class); 

where context reference activity or service or whatever component executing method in.


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