html - More columns in Typo3 7.2 (Bootstrap) -

i need make 4 column website bootstrap in typo3 default setting have 2 cols max. able edit each column in backend have created layout following tutorial:

i cannot display content of columns on frontend though.

in template section page uses layout have added

agptop1 < styles.content.get = colpos = 20 agptop2 < styles.content.get = colpos = 21 

etc positions set in layout manager. should specify variable agptop1 created template file among other bootstrap templates in typo3conf\ext\bootstrap_package\resources\private\templates\page

it copy of default template things changed like...

    <f:layout name="default"/>     <f:section name="main">      <f:cobject typoscriptobjectpath="lib.dynamiccontent" data="{pageuid: '{data.uid}', colpos: '3'}"/>     <div class="container">      <div class="row">      <div class="col-sm-3">      <f:cobject typoscriptobjectpath="lib.dynamiccontent" data="{pageuid: '{data.uid}', colpos: '20'}"/>      <f:format.raw>{agptop1}</f:format.raw>     </div> line


and colpos. suppose correct? have found somewhere here on so.

but when use template directly in template editor of page need blank page. cannot find out how default bootstrap templates linked default.html , manu configuration , how linked backend layout. need pick backend layout, fill in content, something1 must tell something2 want load standart page, standart menu specific template variables defined. how can done?

i'm sorry if it's basic it's first day in typo3 , there no manual new version.

the spaces on colpos = 20 problem in typoscript. using should help: = colpos=20 


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