ios - How to get the local notifications which are listed in Notifications pull down? -

i have ios 8.0 application produces local notifications shown in global notifications pull down (the notifications view).

enter image description here

perfect! to:

  1. get listed notifications app.
  2. delete specific notification based on userinfo have provided when producing local notification.

i have been looking around

and exploring properties , methods uiapplication:


~ 1 empty makes sense because notifications in list have been fired , no longer scheduled... so:

which api(s) can use ?

update 1

most recent explanation scheduledlocalnotifications beining empty ios 8 [uiapplication sharedapplication].scheduledlocalnotifications empty

which lead me rather awkward solution storing notification in nsuserdefault key , later key , canceling usual way:

uiapplication.sharedapplication(<notification userdefaults key>).  

but liked hold of more clean ios solution.

not @ all. there no api that. sorry

-- can see notifications pending (not yet delivered user) only


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