Maven Tomcat plugin - 404 WebServlet not found -

i have webapp maven uses tomcat plugin server. app gets compiled .war which, when extracted, seems contain classes (incl. servlets) in web-inf/classes folder.

when url http://localhost:8080/com.galya.crm gets hit, index.html (which spa app) gets loaded redirecting http://localhost:8080/com.galya.crm/#!/login/msg/notlogged

i have 4 servlets annotated in similar manner:

@webservlet("/restapi/login") public class logincontroller extends httpservlet { 

the problem comes when spa app tries authenticate using login servlet (shown above). expect here: http://localhost:8080/com.galya.crm/restapi/login , 404 error.

below attached tomcat plugin folder automatically created. work directory empty , i'm not sure if it's ok.

enter image description here

initially webapp/web-inf/web.xml auto generated , contained following:

<!doctype web-app public "-//sun microsystems, inc.//dtd web application 2.3//en" "" > <web-app> <display-name>archetype created web application</display-name> </web-app> 

i tried change accept webservlet annotations, didn't work also:

<!doctype web-app public     "-//sun microsystems, inc.//dtd web application 2.3//en"     "" > <web-app xmlns=""      xmlns:xsi=""      xsi:schemalocation=""      version="3.0"> </web-app> 

p.s. app working on server time ago, problem should in server configurations, not in code itself.

surely cause deployment descriptor must declared of version 3.0. web.xml still 2.3.

remove doctype declaration , leave root node did:

<web-app  xmlns:xsi=""  xmlns=""  xsi:schemalocation="" version="3.0"> 

tested myself, , worked.


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