Multiple instances of the same service in Delphi -

i have have old windows service made in delphi has installed multiple times in same server, trying change code able change service name instaling service cannot make work.

i find information here , here it, , after study posts , make necessary modifications able install 2 services different names, services not start.

i post class responsible control service below (inherited tservice), know quite bit of code appreciate help.

procedure servicecontroller(ctrlcode: dword); stdcall; begin   tvdavalanchedatacenterservice.controller(ctrlcode); end; function ttvdavalanchedatacenterservice.getservicecontroller: tservicecontroller; begin   result := servicecontroller; end; procedure ttvdavalanchedatacenterservice.serviceloadinfo(sender : tobject); begin   name := paramstr(2);   displayname := paramstr(3); end; procedure ttvdavalanchedatacenterservice.servicebeforeinstall(sender: tservice); begin   serviceloadinfo(self); end; procedure ttvdavalanchedatacenterservice.servicecreate(sender: tobject); begin   serviceloadinfo(self); end; procedure ttvdavalanchedatacenterservice.servicestart(sender: tservice;   var started: boolean); begin   ftvdtrayicon := ttvdenvoytrayicon.create(self);   setservicedescription;   ftvddatacenter.tvdactive := true; end; procedure ttvdavalanchedatacenterservice.servicestop(sender: tservice;   var stopped: boolean); begin   freeandnil(ftvdtrayicon);   ftvddatacenter.tvdactive := false; end; procedure ttvdavalanchedatacenterservice.serviceafterinstall(sender: tservice); begin    setservicedescription; end; procedure ttvdavalanchedatacenterservice.setservicedescription; var   areg: tregistry; begin   if fdescriptionupdated     exit;   areg := tregistry.create(key_read or key_write);   try     areg.rootkey := hkey_local_machine;     if areg.openkey(cnregkey+ name, true)     begin       areg.writestring('description', cnservicedescription);       areg.closekey;     end;     fdescriptionupdated:= true;;   end; end; 

i using delphi xe , service need run in windows services.

thanks in advance

it's simple. have set name different each service.

you have:

name := paramstr(2);

displayname := paramstr(3);

and have change to:

name := baseservicename + '-' + getlastdirname;

displayname := baseservicedisplayname + ' (' + getlastdirname + ')';

where baseservicename constant name of service; baseservicedisplayname constant display name , getlastdirname function returns name of directory (last directory) extractfilepath(paramstr(0))


function getlastdirname: string; var   aux: string;   p: integer; begin   aux := strdelslash(extractfilepath(paramstr(0)));   p := strlastpos('\', aux);   if p > 0     result := copy(aux, p + 1, length(aux))   else     result := aux; end; 


strdelslash deletes last slash; strlastpos searches last position of slash


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