osx - How to upload WordPress child theme to XAMPP + Bitnami + Mac OS? -

everything going well: installed xampp on mac (os 10.10.2). installed bitnami wordpress module. imported existing wordpress site (this site live). imported/installed theme want modify. point.

now want create child theme. following instructions themify, great. but: can't open htdocs directory within wordpress dir installed bitnami module. no permissions.

there's a page, it's not helping me. reason 1: open filezilla, ftp localhost, wordpress dir found there. reason 2: try follow sudo chown instructions path not valid me. tried:

$ sudo chown daemon:daemon applications/xampp/xamppfiles/apps/wordpress/htdocs

... no luck. "no such file or directory." can find folder in finder (see screencap), can't seem access command line. (is because xampp in applications directory?)

in case it's not obvious, doing muck around child theme offline. can't child theme folder wp-content/themes folder, because can't ftp or access folder directly through finder.

i able change permissions through mac "get info" panel. doh!!

"get info" panel, unlocked

see screencap.


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