Print index table with prawn ruby on rails -

i'm having trouble trying print array search produces in index of app. here code:

appointments controller (index action):

def index   @appointments =[:search])   respond_to |format|     format.html     format.pdf       pdf =       send_data pdf.render, filename: "citas_del_dia",                                 type: "application/pdf",                          disposition: "inline"     end   end end 

index view:

<%= form_tag @appointments_path, :method => 'get', :id => "appointments_search" %>     <%= date_field_tag :search, params[:search] %>     <%= submit_tag "search date", :name => nil %> <% end %>  <div><%= render 'appointments' %></div>   <%= link_to "print appointments of day",appointments_path(@appointments, :format => 'pdf'), target: "_blank" %> 

and prawn pdf class:

class appointmentspdf < prawn::document     def initialize(appointments)         super(top_margin: 30, :page_layout => :landscape)         @appointments = appointments         #some code fill pdf. 

now problem renders index fine when search specific date when want print page pdf prints nothing if search null not. think have pass search parameter prawn class don't know or how.

i solved passing search param through link method so:

<%= link_to "appointments of day", citas_del_dia_appointments_path(@appointments, :format => 'pdf', :search => params[:search]), target: "_blank" %> 

now works charm


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