java - Parsing An ArrayList of BufferedImages From FFmpeg -
i using ffmpeg in java app turn video araylist of bufferedimages. im using code split video file individual jpg frames:
builder.command(ffmpeg, "-i", "<video url>", "-vf", "fps=5,scale=128:128,format=rgb8,format=rgb24", "out%d.jpg");
this produces folder full of jpg frames, works fine. rather not write them individual files, rather make output turned arraylist of bufferedimages, without having write each frame seperate file.
this should command line above code:
ffmpeg.exe -i <video url> -vf fps=5,scale=128:128,format=rgb8,format=rgb24 out%d.jpg
if not possible parse arraylist directly, other solutions have more elegant?
i recommend give openimaj try.
can load videofiles , extract images there. used format can tranformed java buffered image. here example:
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