ajax - Is this C# await superfluous? -

i understand threading extent, in practice have little experience. in looking @ code maintaining, seems await provides no benefit. calls method via ajax , happen when user clicks export link. since method nothing else, don't see advantage await , instead imagine introduces overhead. believe other users clicking export entering method own thread, right? might useful if single user clicked export many times, quickly? thank you.

[preventlogging]     [httppost]     public async task<jsonresult> getactivityreportcallsasync([datasourcerequest] datasourcerequest request)     {         try         {             var result = await getallcallsasync();             return json(result.todatasourceresult(request));         }         catch (exception exc)         {             return jsonshowmessage(false, servermessagetype.error, exc.message);         }     } 

it seems await provides no benefit

you may want take @ async on asp.net msdn article. in it, enumerate number of common misconceptions async or won't requests.

in summary, async/await on asp.net scalability, , assumes already have scalable backend. won't make individual request run faster, or return earlier, or that.


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