Make Elasticsearch return the number of all documents on query -

when query elasticsearch returns how many hits get. can reply how many documents has in total? here i've added imaginary field sum_documents result. such thing exist, or have make query fetch sum?

{   "took" : 1,   "timed_out" : false,   "_shards" : {     "total" : 5,     "successful" : 5,     "failed" : 0   },   "hits" : {     "total" : 0,     "sum_documents": 500,     "max_score" : null,     "hits" : [ ]   } } 

you can add global aggregation in query, , return total document count in search context (index/alias + type(s))

{   "query": {     "query_string": {       "query": "viking",       "default_operator": "and"     }   },   "aggs": {     "harvester-test": {       "global": {}     }   } } 


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