elasticsearch - Rescoring and Sorting of documents -

my goal write query rescore documents based on value of field in document. achieve using rescore query , sorting results. however, explain on query shows me sorting of documents done based on computed score , not new one.

i saw following explains couldn't use rescore , sort together.

"sometimes want show results, ordering of first documents on page affected additional rules. unfortunately cannot achieved rescore functionality. first idea points window_size parameter, parameter in fact not connected first documents on result list number of results returned on every shard. in addition window_size cannot less page size. (if less, elasticsearch silently use page size). also, 1 important thing – rescoring cannot combined sorting, because sorting done after changes introduced rescoring."


my query is:

{ "query": {     "filtered": {         "query": {             "bool": {                 "should": [                     {                         "constant_score": {                             "query": {                                 "match": {                                     "question": {                                         "query": "diabetes"                                     }                                 }                             },                             "boost": 1                         }                     },                     {                         "dis_max": {                             "queries": [                                 {                                     "constant_score": {                                         "query": {                                             "match": {                                                 "question": {                                                     "query": "diabetes"                                                 }                                             }                                         },                                         "boost": 0.01                                     }                                 },                                 {                                     "constant_score": {                                         "query": {                                             "match": {                                                 "answer_text": {                                                     "query": "diabetes"                                                 }                                             }                                         },                                         "boost": 0.0001                                     }                                 }                             ]                         }                     },                     {                         "dis_max": {                             "queries": [                                 {                                     "constant_score": {                                         "query": {                                             "match_phrase": {                                                 "question_phrase": {                                                     "query": "what diabetes",                                                     "slop": 0                                                 }                                             }                                         },                                         "boost": 100                                     }                                 },                                 {                                     "constant_score": {                                         "query": {                                             "match_phrase": {                                                 "question_phrase": {                                                     "query": "what diabetes",                                                     "slop": 1                                                 }                                             }                                         },                                         "boost": 50                                     }                                 },                                 {                                     "constant_score": {                                         "query": {                                             "match_phrase": {                                                 "question_phrase": {                                                     "query": "what diabetes",                                                     "slop": 2                                                 }                                             }                                         },                                         "boost": 33                                     }                                 },                                 {                                     "constant_score": {                                         "query": {                                             "match_phrase": {                                                 "question_phrase": {                                                     "query": "what diabetes",                                                     "slop": 3                                                 }                                             }                                         },                                         "boost": 25                                     }                                 },                                 {                                     "constant_score": {                                         "query": {                                             "query_string": {                                                 "default_field": "question_group_four",                                                 "query": "what__is__diabetes"                                             }                                         },                                         "boost": 0.1                                     }                                 },                                 {                                     "constant_score": {                                         "query": {                                             "query_string": {                                                 "default_field": "question_group_five",                                                 "query": "what__is__diabetes"                                             }                                         },                                         "boost": 0.15                                     }                                 },                                 {                                     "constant_score": {                                         "query": {                                             "query_string": {                                                 "default_field": "concept_words_no_synonyms_20",                                                 "query": "what__is__diabetes"                                             }                                         },                                         "boost": 35                                     }                                 },                                 {                                     "constant_score": {                                         "query": {                                             "query_string": {                                                 "default_field": "concept_words_no_synonyms_15",                                                 "query": "what__is__diabetes"                                             }                                         },                                         "boost": 25                                     }                                 },                                 {                                     "constant_score": {                                         "query": {                                             "query_string": {                                                 "default_field": "concept_words_no_synonyms_10",                                                 "query": "what__is__diabetes"                                             }                                         },                                         "boost": 15                                     }                                 },                                 {                                     "constant_score": {                                         "query": {                                             "query_string": {                                                 "default_field": "concept_words_20",                                                 "query": "what__is__diabetes"                                             }                                         },                                         "boost": 28                                     }                                 },                                 {                                     "constant_score": {                                         "query": {                                             "query_string": {                                                 "default_field": "concept_words_15",                                                 "query": "what__is__diabetes"                                             }                                         },                                         "boost": 16                                     }                                 },                                 {                                     "constant_score": {                                         "query": {                                             "query_string": {                                                 "default_field": "concept_words_10",                                                 "query": "what__is__diabetes"                                             }                                         },                                         "boost": 13                                     }                                 },                                 {                                     "constant_score": {                                         "query": {                                             "query_string": {                                                 "default_field": "concept_words_05",                                                 "query": "what__is__diabetes"                                             }                                         },                                         "boost": 4                                     }                                 }                             ]                         }                     },                     {                         "dis_max": {                             "queries": [                                 {                                     "constant_score": {                                         "query": {                                             "query_string": {                                                 "default_field": "question_group_four",                                                 "query": "diabetes"                                             }                                         },                                         "boost": 0.1                                     }                                 },                                 {                                     "constant_score": {                                         "query": {                                             "query_string": {                                                 "default_field": "question_group_five",                                                 "query": "diabetes"                                             }                                         },                                         "boost": 0.15                                     }                                 },                                 {                                     "constant_score": {                                         "query": {                                             "query_string": {                                                 "default_field": "concept_words_no_synonyms_20",                                                 "query": "diabetes"                                             }                                         },                                         "boost": 35                                     }                                 },                                 {                                     "constant_score": {                                         "query": {                                             "query_string": {                                                 "default_field": "concept_words_no_synonyms_15",                                                 "query": "diabetes"                                             }                                         },                                         "boost": 25                                     }                                 },                                 {                                     "constant_score": {                                         "query": {                                             "query_string": {                                                 "default_field": "concept_words_no_synonyms_10",                                                 "query": "diabetes"                                             }                                         },                                         "boost": 15                                     }                                 },                                 {                                     "constant_score": {                                         "query": {                                             "query_string": {                                                 "default_field": "concept_words_20",                                                 "query": "diabetes"                                             }                                         },                                         "boost": 28                                     }                                 },                                 {                                     "constant_score": {                                         "query": {                                             "query_string": {                                                 "default_field": "concept_words_15",                                                 "query": "diabetes"                                             }                                         },                                         "boost": 16                                     }                                 },                                 {                                     "constant_score": {                                         "query": {                                             "query_string": {                                                 "default_field": "concept_words_10",                                                 "query": "diabetes"                                             }                                         },                                         "boost": 13                                     }                                 },                                 {                                     "constant_score": {                                         "query": {                                             "query_string": {                                                 "default_field": "concept_words_05",                                                 "query": "diabetes"                                             }                                         },                                         "boost": 4                                     }                                 }                             ]                         }                     }                 ],                 "disable_coord": true             }         },         "filter": {             "and": [                 {                     "term": {                         "posted_by_expert": false                     }                 },                 {                     "term": {                         "tip_question": false                     }                 },                 {                     "term": {                         "show_in_work_queue": true                     }                 },                 {                     "range": {                         "verified_answers_count": {                             "gt": 0                         }                     }                 }             ]         }     } }, "rescore": {     "window_size": 100,     "query": {         "rescore_query": {             "function_score": {                 "functions": [                     {                         "script_score": {                             "script": "_score * _source.concierge_boost"                         }                     }                 ]             }         }     } }, "sort": [     "_score",     {         "count_words_with_high_concepts": {             "order": "asc"         }     },     {         "popularity": {             "order": "desc"         }     },     {         "length": {             "order": "asc"         }     } ], "fields": [], "size": 10, "from": 0 


any highly appreciated !

this not possible, indeed. but has been discussed , decided not worth implementing @ moment. discussion on github, though, reveals difficulty - documents need sorted, top 100 (in case) chosen, rescore applied , are, again, sorted. suggest reading comments in github issue, ones simonw. issue still open doesn't seem implemented soon, if @ all.

regarding sorting after level of scoring, understand need rescore few documents, seems not possible. if wrap query in function_score define script_score function compute final score? this:

{   "query": {     "function_score": {       "query": {         .......       },       "functions": [         {           "script_score": {             "script": "doc['concierge_boost'].value"           }         }       ]     }   },   "sort": [     "_score",     {         "count_words_with_high_concepts": {             "order": "asc"         }     },     {         "popularity": {             "order": "desc"         }     },     {         "length": {             "order": "asc"         }     }   ],   "fields": [],   "size": 10,   "from": 0 } 


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