angularjs - Directive inside a angular-translate translation -

i'm using angular-translate i18n , want use directive inside translation:

var translations = {   test_1: 'hello <a href="/test">test</a>',   test_2: 'hello <user></user>' };  app.directive('user', function() {   return {     template: '<a href="/test">test</a>'   }; }); 

full plnkr example:


<p translate="test_1"></p> <p translate="test_2"></p> 

should same. first (without directive) works, second doesn't. transcludes <user></user>, angular doesn't seem aware of , doesn't directive magic.

try use translate-compile directive:

<p translate="test_2" translate-compile></p> 

from docs:

starting version 2, translation can post processed in context of current scope (using $compile). means directive used in translation value work expected.


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