javascript - Jquery Ajax Shows error 500 when ever sql returns error -

i working on codeigniter , getting problem while inserting values in database via ajax. problem occur when sql query throws error. controller code:-

public function register_data() {     $data = array(         'user_name'=>$this->input->post('name'),         'user_email'=>$this->input->post('emailid'),         'user_pwd'=>$this->input->post('pwd'),         'user_pno'=>$this->input->post('pno'),         'user_gender'=>$this->input->post('gender'),         'user_age'=>$this->input->post('age'),         'dor'=>date('y-m-d h:i:s'),);     $this->load->model('register');     $this->register->insert_content($data);     $output = array(); //creating output array json response ajax     $output['result'] = $this->register->getstatus();    echo $output['result'].'---';     $output['message'] = $this->register->getmessage();  echo $output['message'];     echo json_encode($output); } 

my model code :-

class register extends ci_model{ var $message; var $status; public function __construct()  {     parent::__construct();     $this->load->database(); } public function insert_content($da) {        if ($this->db->insert('user',$da))//checking if mysql query successful     {         $this->status = true;         $this->message = "data inserted";     }     else     {         $this->status = false;         $this->message = $this->db->error_message();                 } } public function getstatus() {     return $this->status; } public function getmessage() {     return $this->message; }} 

and ajax call:-

$.ajax({     url: "<?php echo site_url('home_controller/register_data');?>",     data: $("#frm").serialize(),     type: 'post',     success: function (data) {         alert(data);         var resp = $.parsejson(data);         if (resp.result) {             window.location.href = "<?php echo site_url('home_controller');?>";         } else {             $("#msgs").html(resp.message);         }     },     error: function (error) {         $("#msgs").html(json.stringify(error)); //this returned when model condition inserting data throws error.     } }); 

red color text error displayed when sql duplication occurs

and please note datas getting inserted. hence there no problem while inserting. have used json return response ajax. problem occurs when inserting goes wrong. example:- have kept email unique in database hence when insert duplicate in db mysql throws error says duplication error, u can see code in model have made insert code in if condition , when insert query gets failed status , msg stored in variable. how used in core php. have no idea how handle in codeigniter. kindly provide solutions. appreciated.

codeigniter has included error() function display db error. db->error_message() problem hear


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