png - GNUPLOT: pngcairo terminal crop does not completely crop -

i printing png pictures png cairo terminal:

set terminal pngcairo enhanced transparent size 1440,900 crop font "palatino,27" 

as splot:

set tmargin @ screen 1; set bmargin @ screen 0; set lmargin @ screen 0; set view map; set size ratio -1; unset border; set output 'pic.png' splot 'datafile.bin' binary pm3d 

so want picture absolutely no border. both use crop options , set margins 0. nevertheless, small white border remains around picture.

any idea rid of it?

many thanks

generally, give problems if explicitely set margins , constrain plot ratio (set size ratio -1).

the following self-contained script (doesn't need additional data file), shows same problem.

set terminal pngcairo transparent crop size 1440,900 unset border unset tics unset colorbox set size ratio -1 set pm3d map unset key set output 'pic.png'  set isosamples 20 set samples 20 set yrange [-10:10] set xrange [-20:20] splot x**2 + y**2 pm3d 

with pngcairo terminal, leaves small border around whole image. using png terminal works fine (tested 4.6.0, 4.6.6 , 5.0.0).

to me, seems bug of pngcairo terminal.


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