ruby on rails - Request timeouts on creation of a simple model on Heroku -

it's not creation of model, seems more appropriate creation of model record.

i have dish model belongs_to user. when user logs in, can add bank info (i'm using stripe). if bank info added, can add item. can connect instagram , save url pointing image of item attribute on item model.

when use app on laptop, can create items no problem, work instantly. on mobile (i started testing , i've had lot of work make responsive, etc) notice when "create item" more not fails complete request, , while on index.html.erb page can see (even if request doesn't complete , flash notice fails appear on completion of routing after post request occurs).

i checked logs , appears:

2015-06-04t06:58:47.272355+00:00 app[web.1]: processing itemscontroller#create html 2015-06-04t06:58:47.272412+00:00 app[web.1]:   parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"lzvbukcq4jdn907wlqnrxetbf0x+dw+i6dkljp9aska=", "dish"=>{"image_url"=>"", "name"=>"keurig coffee", "description"=>"i hasve 3 flavors... surprise! ", "price"=>"2.0"}, "commit"=>"create item"} 2015-06-04t06:59:17.262061+00:00 heroku[router]: at=error code=h12 desc="request timeout" method=post path="/dishes" request_id=d164ec85-0c79-46ee-bed0-4b92db857f61 fwd="" dyno=web.1 connect=3ms service=30010ms status=503 bytes=0 2015-06-04t07:00:05.685876+00:00 app[web.1]: completed 302 found in 78412ms (activerecord: 78219.6ms) 


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