iOS storyboard weird error - 'NSInternalInconsistencyException' (Main.storyboardc) -

i working on xcode project. have clean project , try build project. dont know happen got weird error.

*** terminating app due uncaught exception 'nsinternalinconsistencyexception', reason: 'could not load nib in bundle: 'nsbundle (loaded)' name 'uiviewcontroller-bsa-xt-tpg' , directory 'main.storyboardc'

don't know code have check!! refereed question related can't solve problem.


when tried search storyboardc in find navigator. gives result this.

storyboardc in find navigator


i not able see storyboard in build phases. have tried add manually still appears in red symbol this.

storyboard not detected in build phases

my problem solved. don't know correct method or not. have move main.storyboardfrom base.lproj other folder. delete main.storyboard folder , again drag , drop in mainbundle means project window , tick mark in localization setting. clean , build , run project successfully.


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