java - parse custom push sound -

sorry english. use want create custom sound when push. when send push, phone vibrates. there no sound , message not show too.

this sound: image (i have not 15 reputation)


public class mybroadcastreceiver extends parsepushbroadcastreceiver {      private int notification_id = 1;      @override     public void onpushopen(context context, intent intent) {         intent = new intent(context, mainactivity.class);         i.putextras(intent.getextras());         i.setflags(intent.flag_activity_new_task);         context.startactivity(i);     }      @override     public void onreceive(context context, intent intent) {         try{         string jsondata = intent.getextras().getstring("");             jsonobject json = new jsonobject(jsondata);              string title = null;             if(json.has("title")) {                 title = json.getstring("title");             }              string message = null;             if(json.has("alert")) {                 message = json.getstring("alert");             }              if(message != null) {                 generatenotification(context, title, message);             }         } catch(exception e) {             log.e("notif error", e.tostring());         }     }       private void generatenotification(context context, string title, string message) {         intent intent = new intent(context, mainactivity.class);         pendingintent contentintent = pendingintent.getactivity(context, 0, intent, 0);          notificationmanager mnotifm = (notificationmanager) context.getsystemservice(context.notification_service);          if(title == null) {             title = context.getresources().getstring(r.string.app_name);         }          final notificationcompat.builder mbuilder =                 new notificationcompat.builder(context)                          //setsmallicon(r.drawable.icon)                         .setcontenttitle(title)                         .setcontenttext(message)                         .setstyle(new notificationcompat.bigtextstyle()                                 .bigtext(message))                         .addaction(0, "view", contentintent)                         .setautocancel(true)                         .setdefaults(new notificationcompat().default_vibrate)                         .setsound(uri.parse("android.resource://" + context.getpackagename() + "/beep1.mp3"));           mbuilder.setcontentintent(contentintent);          mnotifm.notify(notification_id,;     }  } 


this not work too, have standart sound

@override     protected notification getnotification(context context, intent intent) {         notification n = super.getnotification(context, intent);         n.sound = uri.parse("android.resource://" + context.getpackagename() + "beep1.mp3");         return n;     } 


i pu mp3 folder res/raw/beep1.mp3 , use ("android.resource://" + context.getpackagename() + r.raw.beep1); not help

assuming have own subclass of parsepushbroadcastreceiver , declared in manifest, recommend put mp3 file in /raw folder , change getnotification() method follows

@override protected notification getnotification(context context, intent intent) {     notification n = super.getnotification(context, intent);     n.defaults = 2;     n.sound = uri.parse("android.resource://" + context.getpackagename() + "/" + r.raw.beep1);     return n; } 

if want change sound getnotification() method 1 need overrid


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