php - Drupal site issue with pass by reference -

php fatal error: call-time pass-by-reference has been removed in /xxx/modules/xxxx/xxxx.module on line 227

the site working on machine. after few days started getting above error without code change. going through log files got above error. changed

   227     template_preprocess(&$variables); 


   227     template_preprocess($variables); 

and site started work. not able figure out exact reason issue same code worked , creating issue.

been cms(content management system) have created new contents , added taxonomy. there no change done code.

the php fatal error occurs because server running php 5.4 using php 5.3 or earlier version (check version in admin/reports/status in drupal). if did not happen on server until possible host updated version running.

the solution make sure have updated drupal , modules , report bug module's maintainer.

related: php's supported versions


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