what will be the exact code of below vb code in java because i am not getting the same encrypted value -

' encrypts string using tripple des private function tripledesencrypt(byval str string) tripledesencryptresult

    ' 3des encryption     ' generate key/iv pair local 3des encrpytion on xmlcard      ' create new 3des cryptoprovider , generate key/iv pair encryption     dim m_cryptoprovider new tripledescryptoserviceprovider     m_cryptoprovider.generateiv()      m_cryptoprovider.generatekey()       dim stream system.io.memorystream = new system.io.memorystream     dim cryptostream cryptostream = _       new cryptostream(stream, m_cryptoprovider.createencryptor, _                           cryptostreammode.write)      dim input() byte = system.text.encoding.default.getbytes(str)      cryptostream.write(input, 0, input.length)     cryptostream.flushfinalblock()      ' convert base64, it'll xml-friendly     dim encryptedcardstring = system.convert.tobase64string(stream.toarray())      cryptostream.close()     cryptostream.dispose()      return new tripledesencryptresult(encryptedcardstring, m_cryptoprovider.key, m_cryptoprovider.iv)  end function 

below code in java 3des encryption , decryption. please try code. hope you

   private static final string unicode_format = "utf8";             public static final string desede_encryption_scheme = "desede"; //"desede/ecb/nopadding";             private keyspec ks;             private secretkeyfactory skf;             private cipher cipher;             byte[] arraybytes;             private string myencryptionkey;             private string myencryptionscheme;             secretkey key;              public passwordencryption_trippledes() throws exception {                 myencryptionkey =  "thisisspartathisisanilku";                 myencryptionscheme = desede_encryption_scheme;                 arraybytes = myencryptionkey.getbytes(unicode_format);                 ks = new desedekeyspec(arraybytes);                 skf = secretkeyfactory.getinstance(myencryptionscheme);                 cipher = cipher.getinstance(myencryptionscheme);                 key = skf.generatesecret(ks);             }               public string encrypt(string unencryptedstring) {                 string encryptedstring = null;                 try {                     cipher.init(cipher.encrypt_mode, key);                     byte[] plaintext = unencryptedstring.getbytes(unicode_format);                     byte[] encryptedtext = cipher.dofinal(plaintext);                     encryptedstring = new string(base64.encodebase64(encryptedtext));                 } catch (exception e) {                     e.printstacktrace();                 }                 return encryptedstring;             }               public string decrypt(string encryptedstring) {                 string decryptedtext=null;                 try {                     cipher.init(cipher.decrypt_mode, key);                     byte[] encryptedtext = base64.decodebase64(encryptedstring);                     byte[] plaintext = cipher.dofinal(encryptedtext);                     decryptedtext= new string(plaintext);                 } catch (exception e) {                     e.printstacktrace();                 }                 return decryptedtext;             }  public static void main(string args []) throws exception         {             passwordencryption_trippledes td= new passwordencryption_trippledes();              string target="data encyption";             string encrypted=td.encrypt(target);             string decrypted=td.decrypt(encrypted);              system.out.println("string encrypt: "+ target);             system.out.println("encrypted string:" + encrypted);             system.out.println("decrypted string:" + decrypted);          } 


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